Welcome,This the page aiming to introduce eBIZ, the European initiative for eBusiness harmonisation in the textile, clothing and footwear sectors to the industry and it providers.
Which is the main idea in eBIZ?eBIZ proposes a language and organisational procedures to integrate firms of this sectors, from raw material to the shelf of a point of sale. ..and when these happens at European scale benefits for all the actors are evident. In practice eBIZ proposes a Reference Architecture: thus it is not a software application, but a public document followed by software resources, that supplies a reference framework and technical specifications (online and continuously updated) that firms and their IT services suppliers can easily implement.
Does eBIZ affect you?Surely, if you are active in textile, clothing or footwear sectors and in your work encounter issues like
Furthermore, surely, if you need to set-up new and more advanced collaborative applications between your organisation and your partners.
Why eBIZGenerally speaking, only supply chains where all the actors are integrated can express their best potential.
On the other hand the specific fragmentation of the textile, clothing and footwear industry (TCF) often make such integration an hard objective. eBIZ was born exactly on the purpose to facilitate the development of interoperable software solutions. This is the reason why the European Commission, Euratex (European association of textile and apparel industry) and ENEA (Italian National Agency for New technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), in collaboration with CEC (European association of footwear industry), decided to create and promote eBIZ, with the further involvement of CEN (European Standardisation Committee). eBIZ is, thus, a public, free, European resources, continuously updated under the coordination of EURATEX, available for the industry and their service and solution suppliers.
If interested, what can you do??You can deepen
your knowledge by the official web site (www.ebiz-tcf.eu), in particular by examining its main result:
the Reference Architecture:
Further information also in www.moda-ml.org (English and Italian).
You can discuss about specifications, ask clarifications or suggestions about its usage; You can send proposals for modification or extension: version 2.0 was released on June 2013
but a permanent group is committed to update eBIZ and collects new proposals and requirements for next versions.
You can participate public meetings or ask for help in evaluating if and how you
could use it;
click here for more details.
The communityAn eBIZ group is active on
LINKEDIN and offers the possibility to participate actively as a part of the
community of eBIZ adopters and experts. eBIZ for your companyENEA CROSS-TEC laboratory (www.cross-tec.enea.it or http://www.xml-lab.it)
aims to support firms adopting new technologies. |
eBIZ overview for managers
eBIZ technical documentation
eBIZ tried
Speaking about eBIZ
Resources | ||
![]() Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione |
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