This version

    1. This document is the final version of the report “Architecture Report for eBusiness harmonisation in Textile/Clothing and Footwear sectors”, its contents have been revised and integrated from the feedbacks received from the 17 pilots of the eBIZ-TCF project. This document should be assumed as the technical reference in order to tackle the objectives of eBusiness harmonisation in Textile Clothing and Footwear initiatives aiming to join eBIZ-TCF.

    2. The report is based on three main parts:

    • The initial chapters 1, 2 and 3 offer a general methodological overview.
    • The remaining chapters detail the architecture in its main areas and allow to choose the right scenarios of interest (upstream manufacturing networks for Textile-Clothing and for Footwear, downstream relationships between retailers and producers, Communication, product numbering and identification)
    • The appendixes offer the details about the technical implementation and the references about on-line resources available to implementers.

    3. The main changes in respect of the previous version are:

    • the new downstream collaboration (on customer demand),
    • new introductory chapters about the relationship with the world of standardisation
    • a short how to use this report guide,
    • reference to the document validation tool,
    • a best practice about the envelope for ebMS data transmission (both oin the Report and in Appendix E).
    • new 'Stock availability report' document about inventory status (Appendix A).

    4. This document is available from the project web site ( together with other resources that should help the designers and implementers in their work.

    New versions of this document could be delivered in a future according with the development of the eBIZ-TCF Interest Group that will be in charge for its improvement and maintenance after the conclusion of the project. As a general rule the specifications are expected to be back-compatible.


DOC - Reference Architecture Report (con Annessi) OF510-010
Architecture Report for eBusiness harmonisation in Textile/Clothing and Footwear sectors D3.5 - Final Report (December 2009).
Zipped PDF versions (pdf, 2184621 bytes, v2, 27/1/2010)

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