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Leapfrog IP and Leapfrog CA projects

Two initiatives from Euratex for boosting European T/C industry

Leapfrog IP

LEAPFROG IP is an Integrated European Research Project aiming at a technology breakthrough in the clothing industry.

LEAPFROG IP brings together 35 partners from industry and academia from 11 European countries.
The project will have a duration of 4 years and a total budget of some 26 million Euro of which up to 14 million Euro will be funded by the EC, the rest coming from own contributions of the involved partners.
For more information about the project refer to the project fact sheet and the overview presentation.

Final event on the results of the whole project Leapfrog - IP in Italy: July 3rd 2009, Castelletto Sul Ticino (Novara) click here

The Leapfrog-IP WIKI to learn more about the project outcomes click here

Workshop on the demonstration of the results of Leapfrog - IP for enterprise integration, the case Piacenza, Ermenegildo Zegna and TessilControl: June 24th 2009, Biella

The Leapfrog IP technology have been appied to support and ease the implementation of Moda-ML collaboration between fabric producers, garment manufacturer and Fabric checker.

Click here to see the agenda and the slides


Leapfrog CA

Leapfrog CA is a Coordination action on the Textile Clothing sector leaded by Euratex.

Leapfrog CA (Coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge and Research Activities to support Leadership for European Apparel Production From Research along Original Guidelines)is a Coordination Action project, funded by the EU in the context of the 6th Framework Programme as part of the joint action of the NMP (Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production) and IST (Information Society Technology) Programmes.

Leapfrog CA aims at the establishment of a 'knowledge community' on intelligent apparel manufacturing technologies

Links to

File name

Agenda del 24 giugno 2009 - Dimostratore Leapfrog.pdf

270 KB


DI411-004-V2-Text Leapfrog-Brochure 1.0.pdf

102 KB


DI411-005-V1-20 results of Leapfrog v1.0.pdf

3 MB


DI411-012-v1-KEI - TessilControl.ppt

1 MB


Invito Evento Dimostratore Zegna - Piacenza - TessilControl.pdf

117 KB


LP-IP-Press Release-Technology Platform Conference 2009.doc

45 KB


RD-20-2004-ASSOC-83-2004-BOD-42-2004A1 Leapfrog - fact sheet.doc

767 KB


RD-20-2004-ASSOC-83-2004-BOD-42-2004A2_Leapfrog_overview presentation.pdf

517 KB



18 KB


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9 file found


Content provided by the Moda-ML initiative (www.moda-ml.org)




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