CPP-Editor is a java web application to create/edit ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP).
The goal of CPP-Editor is to provide to each user a way to create a business profile CPP to describe the own capability into a collaboration framework ebXML-compliant.
The CPP-Editor is a first (of two) step to prepare a business collaboration, the next step is to use the CPA-MatchMaker to compare two CPP profiles and to decide the final collaboration agreement (CPA).
allows the CPP Profile creation using a CPP template,
allows the CPP Profile modification,
supports the specification of one or more Parties
supports the ebBP referencing, therefore the user can specify the supported Business Processes (one or more for each specified Party)
supports, for each specified Business Process, the specification of the related Business Transactions,
supports the definition of one or more Delivery Channels (HTTP, SMTP),
not supports, at the moment, the specification of Certificates.