The eBIZ Pilots and the eBusiness guide
 The presence of the pilots all over Europe and the cross-border relationships that are implemented by the pilot.
The eBIZ-TCF pilots
A call for Expression of Interest to participate in the eBIZ pilots was launched, with deadline on 30th September 2008.
The objective was to involve additional European organisations to test and demonstrate the project results in the eBusiness domain.
As a result of this call, more than one hundred organisations (industries, retail, ict providers) of 20 countries of Europe participated the pilots of the eBIZ-TCF project in order to support and experiment the sectorial architecture with their systems. More info on the pilots (slides).
The pilots case histories and outcomes
eBIZ-TCF publishes the outcomes of the pilots and the first four case histories about the adoption of the eBIZ-TCF Architecture for eBusiness harmonisation. The web page to get information about them is here.
eBIZ publishes the eBusiness guide for textile, clothing and footwear
The guide for eBusiness for European textile clothing and footwear industry has been published by the eBIZ-TCF consortium in the framework of DG Enterprise and Industry initiatives supporting eBusiness.
The guide is free and has been realised jointly by Euratex, CEC, ENEA with the co-operation of GS1 and Hermes Lab.
Printed copies can be requested directly to Euratex or Enea or it can be downloaded from here.