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Moda-ML application

italian only


DOC - Biella (PDF, 113k) OF604-065
DOC - Learning from peers - Quality Biella do121-009
Learning from peers.
Quality Biella, company offering services for textile industry, adopted Moda-ML/eBIZ-TCF specifications to improve its capacity of planning and optimisation of the activities and to offer a better service to the customers. (pdf, 984017 bytes, v1, 27/1/2010)
DOC - Learning from peers - TQR - transnational network DO510-039
Learning from peers.
TQR Consortium in Biella, a transnational network of textile suppliers (a pilot of the eBIZ-TCF project). (pdf, 1045450 bytes, v1, 24/3/2010)

Contenuto realizzato nel progetto DDTA e dal centro CROSS (www.cross-lab.it)






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