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Methodologies for the evaluation of spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations in Italy
Autori Righini G., Cappelletti A., Cionni I., Ciucci A., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Vitali L., Ciancarella L.  Anno 2013
Tipologia Articolo Rivista nazionale con referaggio
Abstract Spatial and temporal representativeness of air quality monitoring stations is a critical parameter when choosing the location of monitoring sites and assessing the effects on population of long term exposure to air pollution.
ENEA is supporting the Italian Ministry of Environment, Territory and Sea in building the National Network of Special Purpose Monitoring Stations. In this framework, ENEA is carrying out an assessment of the spatial representativeness of the selected monitoring sites, to be used in model validation, data assimilation tools and population exposure studies.
Given that a standard procedure is not yet recognised at the international level, in this study different methodologies are being applied in the Italian territory in order to find out one or more fit-to-purpose approaches to spatial representativeness. Three methods are explored based on: 1) statistical assessment of objective factors (land cover, population distribution, orography, etc.); 2) assessment of variability of emissions; 3) assessment of 4D Eulerian concentration field and gradients from model simulations. Specific datasets produced by the Italian Integrated Assessment Modelling System (MINNI) are being used for this purpose.The three methods cover different assessment situations and targets: primary and secondary pollutants, availability of model datasets or measured concentration time series, urban and rural stations. The preliminary results of their application to selected pollutants and monitoring sites are here presented and discussed. The principal strengths and weaknesses of each method are reported in relation to the assessment of the spatial representativeness of existing monitoring sites or to the planning of new monitoring networks.
Referenza_Bibliografica Righini G., Cappelletti A., Cionni I., Ciucci A., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Vitali L., Ciancarella L., (2013), 'Methodologies for the evaluation of spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations in Italy' Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione. Rivista bimestrale dell'ENEA. ISSN 11240016. Anno 59. 1-2 gen./apr. 60-68.
Riferimento WEB
File scaricabile direttamente PDF /tecnopolo/download/bibliografia/pdf/Air-quality-monitoring-stations.pdf
Unita di Ricerca MIA
Keywords rappresentatività spaziale, stazioni di monitoraggio, qualità dell'aria
LastUpdate 01/10/2013
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2.7.1 Modellistica e caratterizzazione Inquinamento atm.

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