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Evaluation of the radionuclide concentration in the sediments of the Sacca di Goro (Italy)
Authors Telloli C, Rizzo A, Bertelli L, Bartolomei P, Vaccaro C.  Year 2019
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Abstract Chernobyl accident introduced many radionuclides into the environment and Sacca di Goro, in the Adriatic Sea (north of Italy) is one of the
areas affected by the contamination of Chernobyl products. Since the average lifetime of many radionuclides emitted by the fall-out is now over, a
further campaign was carry out to check the current situation of these radionuclides. Sediment samples were collected in the lagoon of Sacca di Goro
(Ferrara, Italy). The radionuclide concentration was analyzed by High Purity Germanium Radiation Detectors. The results allow to create a complete
mapping describing the spatial distribution of 137Cs, 40K, 238U, 232Th and 226Ra in the sediment of Sacca di Goro after Chernobyl radionuclide
Reference Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies, Vol. 4(5), 1-4.
WEB Reference
Research unit TRAC
Keywords 137Cs 40K 238U 232Th 226Ra; Sediment; Sacca di Goro; Lagoon
LastUpdate 18/10/2024
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4.1 Analisi isotopiche emanazioni aeriformi

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