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>List of all the projects
Acronym eBIZ-4.0
Logo eBIZ-4.0
Abstract The objective of eBIZ-4.0 is to take-up the well known RFID technology in the sector of textile/clothing sector in such a way
that that, together with eBIZ standard, it enables companies in managing logistic processes.
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Large_Description eBIZ 4.0 is a project funded by the COSME program: COS-DESIGN-2015-3-06, topic COS-2015-DESIGN-2.

This objectives can be reached by the commercialisation of new smart services based on the use of eBIZ standard of
communication among industries of the textile/clothing sector, allowing interoperability among different production systems
(ERP, EMS), logistic management systems through the use of RFID tags, using business models similar to those used in the
Open source software development. The eBIZ-4.0 solution will support textile/clothing producers, through the parallel use of
RFID and communication standards, in increasing the traceability of products, improving the time to market and warehouse
management and, at the same time, reducing data exchange barriers with external providers shortening the distances along
the supply chain. The adoption of eBIZ-4.0 solution will enable the industries in creating and managing large networks of
relationships inside and outside the supply chain, implementing new business models in traditional production chains and
boosting the fast response process for EU enterprises.
In textile/clothing sector, the largest part of manufacturers are SMEs based on traditional well known organizational models,
in which each production department interacts directly with the management and develop its activities almost separately
from the other internal departments and, more important, from the providers and customers. eBIZ-4.0 wants to reduce this
distance by integrating information flows among different departments (through RFIds) and companies (through eBIZ and
start_date 01/12/2016
end_date 30/11/2018
url_reference http://www.ebiz.enea.it
Keywords xml, integration, standards, supply chain, rfid, fashion, logistics
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords xml, integration, standards, supply chain, rfid, fashion, logistics
S3 Area Cultural and creative industry  Traiectory Comunicazione digitale e nuovi target
Platform ICT and design
Project_Type INN
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Partner

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
I.1 Innovation in Fashion industry Innovation in FASHION industry

See also
Traceability in textile industry
3.1.1 eBusiness standards eBusiness standards
3.1.2 Communication technologies for interoperability Communication technologies for interoperability Testing Conformance testing






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