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Services for water and integrated techniques for food industries
Abstract The food industry has primary importance in the European economy. We aim to identify and analyze best practices and knowledge of SMEs in the food industry for a better management of water use and wastewater.
Large_Description The food industry has to deal with demanding water quality standards required for food products on the one side and strict discharge legislation required by the EU, on the other. SMEs require heavy investment and additional support services to ensure the quantity and, more importantly, the quality of the water supply.
The project’s main objective is to support SMEs in integrating the main issues related to water management in the food-industry production process through:
• Identifying best and common practices
• Supporting Food Industry SMEs to identify and manage environmental problems, starting with those related to water, reducing the environmental impact while at the same time guaranteeing the quality and safety of their food products
• Facilitating networking and internationalization activities among SMEs, Environmental Service Providers and European Networks.
The two core elements of the Project are:
• The creation of 'Food SMEs Environmental Clubs' to define common technological needs, share experiences, boost networking activities among food SMEs and create new business oppurtunities starting from environmental problems.
• The support of Environmental Service Providers (ESP) who will integrate their experiences with the methodologies developed in the projects.
location Spagna, Grecia, Germania, Belgio, Israele, Turchia, Italia
start_date 01/06/2010
end_date 31/05/2012
url_reference http://www.s4food.eu/
Keywords food industry water technologies alimentare tecnologie trattamento acque
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords food industry water technologies alimentare tecnologie trattamento acque
Project_Type INN
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
TIGRI Tecnologie integrate per la gestione della risorsa idrica Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Partner

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2.5 Trattamento reflui






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