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ebXML Tools: CP-NET
Abstract CP-NET (Collaboration Protocol - Networking Enterprises Technology) is a software application set to enable enterprises, cooperating through a collaborative framework ebXML-based, to achieve and to perform Business Collaborations.
Descrizione To achieve a Business Collaboration it is necessary to provide, for each couple of enterprises, a common base upon which to start doing business. This base is basically a Business Agreement and it is built, following the ebXML standard model, by comparison and by match of two Business Profiles.
ebXML provides an XML specification to describe both Profiles and Agreements: ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement (ebCPPA).

CP-NET provides some applications to handle the ebXML Collaboration Protocol.

ebBP-Generator is a java application to generate Business Processes descriptions through ebXML Business Process (ebBP or BPSS) standard from MODA-ML Dictionary.

CPA-FastEditor is a java web application to create/edit ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA). The goal of CPA-FastEditor is to provide to each couple of user a easy way to create a business agreement CPA to obtain a simple and fast MSH configuration.

MSH2 is a Message Service Handler software implementation. It allows to send and to receive ebXML messages (ebMS v3.0) into the e-business context.

CPP-Editor is a java web application to create/edit ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP). The goal of CPP-Editor is to provide to each user a way to create a business profile CPP to describe the own capability into a collaboration framework ebXML-compliant.

CPA-MatchMaker is a java web application to create ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) from two ebXML Collaboration Profiles (CPP). The goal of CPA-MatchMaker is to provide to each couple of users a way to achieve a CPA Agreement, when possible, and to resolve ambiguous situations, starting from two CPP Profiles.

CP-NET framework supports the ebXML Business Process Specifications (ebBP standard), therefore, in the CPP Profiles and in the CPA Agreements the enterprises can describe their characteristics related to one or more Business Processes.
Keyword ebxml, interoperabilità, modellazione collaborazione, accordi inter-organizzazioni
TRL - technology readiness level 7 Sistema precommerciale.
Link2 Area di lavoro
Laboratorio X-LAB
Partner ENEA
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Topic di ricerca 3.1 Tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità
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Code Topic Descrizione ID
3.1 Tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità Maggiori informazioni sull'applicazione delle tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità su Technology Report Interoperabilità 1




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