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Methodology Water Quality Control Identification and management of water quality aspects in an optimised water network based on HACCP methodology and principles
Abstract The project for sustainable water use in chemical, paper, textile and food industries
Descrizione This report is a result of the project AquaFit4Use, a large-scale European research project cofinanced by the 7th framework programme of the European Union on water treatment technologies and processes.
This report describes a method for establishing a quality control system for the total water system.
The suggested approach is meant to be applied on water networks in industry - including one or more recycling schemes developed by the methodology described elsewhere in the Aqua-Fit-4-Use
Use methodology.
The method described here uses the concept of the HACCP - in particular the approach of identification and use of Critical Control Points. Hence the principles of HACCP are briefly summarised as an introduction to the presentation of the suggested method.
The core approach of the suggested method is to assess the total water system by a step-by-step check of each use of alternative water qualities including recycled water for unforeseen impacts of the water due to unusual events at the source of the water.
The core of the suggested approach is the identification of Critical Control Points during the three steps outlined below:
Step: Outcome:
1. Identification of all Potential Critical Control Points (PCCPs) taking the Water Quality Definition as the starting point - going backwards though the supply system.
List of PCCPs with indication of process / point of concern and components / limits in focus.
2. Assessment of each PCCP for its use as CCP according to the HACCP principles - in particularly assessment of existence of applicable control method.
List of CCPs with description of point of concern, components / limits in focus and method of control.
3. Describe for each CCP the way of control, the limits to be met and the corrective measures to be applied if unforeseen performance is found.
List of CCPs with description of control points and components and limit values, the surveillance/monitoring system and the corrective measures to be applied in case
of deviations.
Examples of unusual events are listed and is it stressed that normal variations in the compositions of the recycled water should be included in the initial matching of the water flows.
A decision three for the identification and assessment of the critical control points is presented.
The methodology can be used independent but also easily incorporated in existing HACCP based Quality management systems.
TRL - technology readiness level 5 Prototipo in grande scala o scala reale.
Laboratorio TIGRI
Partner ENEA
Topic di ricerca 2.5.2 Trattamento reflui industriali
Risultato LISEA Falso
Risultato Tecnopolo Falso
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Code Topic Descrizione ID
2.5.2 Trattamento reflui industriali 41

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