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Porphyry extractive activity in the Atesino Volcanic District (North of Italy): petrochemical characterization of materials placed in landfill
Authors Marrocchino E, Telloli C, Paletta MG, Vaccaro C  Year 2022
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Abstract In the Trentino-Alto Adige region different types of stone materials are extracted, including the
porphyry of the Atesino Volcanic Complex. Trentino porphyry from natural splitting stone has
gradually gained more and more space in the last 25-30 years also in the market of sawn, flamed
and polished products, which bring it back fully in the family of ornamental stones. This evolution
has led to a significant increase in mining in the Trentino area with a consequent increase in the
quantities of materials placed in landfills.
Porphyry landfills represent one of the most significant landscape-environmental and economic
problems for the Trentino region. This involves a waste of natural resources, an increasing
occupation of areas by processing waste, as well as profound morphological alterations of the
landscape which can have repercussions on the stability of the slopes, also due to the difficulty of
taking root.
The problem of the disposal of waste materials is becoming more and more pressing. From this
arises the need to investigate possible sectors of interest for an alternative use of these materials.
In this regard, some landfills were sampled in the area between the towns of Baselga di Pinè to the
east, Lavis to the west, bounded by an imaginary line that joins the towns of Fornace and Meano
to the south and joins the towns of S. Michele all’Adige and Segonzano to the north.
Different samples collected were petrographically studied, through microscopically observation of
thin sections, and petrochemically characterized by analysis in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
(XRF), at the laboratories of the University of Ferrara.
This study has highlighted the possible reuse in the ceramic sector of part of the materials placed
in some of the landfills examined. A more in-depth and extensive study of the materials of the
landfills in the stone Atesino District would allow the creation of a complete database useful for
identifying the most suitable sites where to find atypical raw materials to be used in ceramic
Reference EGU22-12787
WEB Reference
Research unit TRAC
LastUpdate 25/05/2022
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4.2 Isotopic Traceability of products Isotopic techniques for checking product's origin

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