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Supporting software interoperability using standardised interfaces: issues and needs
Autori Nicola Gessa, Angelo Frascella, Piero De Sabbata, Arianna Brutti  Anno 2015
Tipologia Articolo Conferenza internazionale con referaggio
Abstract This paper reports the experience, gained in two different European research projects, TexWIN and ARTISAN, in connecting software prototypes with pre-existing enterprise software like ERP and Scheduler. The two systems aim to support human in optimizing the production processes, but their functioning clearly depends also on the collaboration with external software systems; this collaboration is needed for production data collection and the interfacing with enterprise machine control systems. Activities in the projects regarded the analysis and design of a communication system for the data exchange with the enterprise software: various possibilities and existing standards were considered and the feasibility of their adoption established but, despite the declared project objectives, the standard based interfaces were not implemented. The aim of this paper is to describe both the followed approach to introduce standards in the research project activities and to propose a first analysis of the reasons for the missing concrete adoption of standardized interfaces.
Referenza_Bibliografica Nicola Gessa, Angelo Frascella, Piero De Sabbata and Arianna Brutti, "Supporting software interoperability using standardised interfaces: issues and needs", proceedings of the Workshop 'Standards for Enterprise interoperability: Bridging the gap between research and standardisation' in "Proceeedings of the Workshops of the IWEI 2015 Conference" co-located with the 6th International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability IWEI 2015, Nîmes, France, May 27, 2015, published online on CEUR-WS ( ISSN 1613-0073, Vol-1414, urn:nbn:de:0074-1414-0
Riferimento WEB
Riferimento WEB 2
Riferimento repository DI720-049
Slide associate DI720-052
Unita di Ricerca X-LAB
Keywords adozione di standard, interfacce di comunicazione, interoperabilità, valutazione di standard
LastUpdate 29/09/2022
Topic di ricerca collegati
Codice Topic di ricerca Descrizione
3.1 Tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità Maggiori informazioni sull'applicazione delle tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità su Technology Report Interoperabilità

impact factor Falso

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