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Contribution of Geosciences to Cultural Heritage Conservation Assessment: The Case Study of the Loggiato dei Cappuccini in Comacchio (Italy)
Authors Marrocchino E, Paletta MG, Ferroni L, Manfrini R, Telloli C.  Year 2023
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Abstract Geoscience disciplines play a pivotal role in the assessment of the conservation state of Cultural Heritage to orient the subsequent restoration interventions. In this report, we exemplify the potential of petrographic and thermographic analyses for the evaluation of the conservation state of a unique symbol of the architectural heritage in the challenging lagoon environment of Comacchio city (Ferrara Province, northeastern Italy). This study focuses on the Loggiato dei Cappuccini, starting from the historical analysis of the maintenance and restorations that this simple and pleasant monument has undergone over time. The degradation morphologies and the related triggering causes, characterized by macroscopic observations, were contextualized based on the recent restoration interventions. The current state of conservation has been evaluated quali-quantitatively, combining optical petrographic analyses of the main construction materials with thermographic analyses of the structures. The results of this study highlight the detrimental effects of previous restoration interventions on the long-term conservation state of the monument, emphasizing the need for a general environmental evaluation preliminarily to any conservative action. In particular, geoscience can contribute to a knowledge-based choice of materials that minimize the risk for alveolization and detachments.
Reference Geosciences, 13, 157.
WEB Reference
Research unit TRAC
Keywords petrography; Comacchio (Italy); thermography; degradation phenomena; alveolization
LastUpdate 26/09/2023
Related research topics
Code Topic Description
5 Materials Research, development and engineering in the field of advanced materials
I.3 Innovation in building Innovation in building

impact factor Vero

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