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BIBLIOGRAFIA prodotta dal laboratorio

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Looking for the unified classification and evaluation approach of SG interface standards for the purposes of ELECTRA IRP
Autori Angelo Frascella, Jacek Swiderski, Gianluigi Proserpio, Evangelos Rikos, Armağan Temiz, Aleksander Babs, Mathias Uslar, Samuele Branchetti, Giorgio Graditi  Anno 2015
Tipologia Articolo Conferenza internazionale con referaggio
Abstract A huge set of Smart Grid related standards already exist and is continuously being updated in various technical working groups in various parts of the world. Ongoing EU funded ELECTRA Integrated Research Programme (IRP) on Smart Grids [1] aims to re-use the existing standards within its in progress activities considering to be in compliance with the standardization groups like CEN/CENELEC/ETSI, NIST and
others. Moving towards the implementation of the functional architecture, it is important to be aware of the information to be exchanged and how communication protocols can be used in support of Smart Grid information exchange. Therefore, a reference method needs to be developed for assessing and classifying the ICT interoperability standards and specifications.
The existing Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS) is thought to be a tool for Public Administration choices of standards, especially for e-government and e-procurement in EU. Despite CAMSS defines an evaluation schema for standards and specifications via an Excel tool, this paper shows that the CAMSS approach needs to be modified and adapted for the goals of ELECTRA IRP. Moreover, the elaborated tool would not only be useful for ELECTRA purposes but it would be used in a broader Smart Grid (SG) perspective as well and also, with some slight adaptations, more in general, for all complex contexts involving a high number of standards (e.g. the Smart City context).
Referenza_Bibliografica Angelo Frascella, Jacek Swiderski, Gianluigi Proserpio, Evangelos Rikos, Armağan Temiz, Aleksander Babs, Mathias Uslar, Samuele Branchetti, Giorgio Graditi - USB Proceedings 2015 International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies (EDST) Vienna, Austria 07 - 11 September, 2015 - ISBN: 978-1-4799-7735-2 pag. 318-323
Riferimento repository DI455-001
Slide associate DI455-002
Unita di Ricerca X-LAB
Keywords SGAM, livello informativo, livello di comunicazione, CAMSS, valutazione di standard, Smart Grid, standard
LastUpdate 17/09/2015
Topic di ricerca collegati
Codice Topic di ricerca Descrizione
1.3 Smart Energy grids Energy grids
3.1 Tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità Maggiori informazioni sull'applicazione delle tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità su Technology Report Interoperabilità

impact factor Falso




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