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Topic code
Subclasses of the research Topic
Code Topic Description
2.10 Sustainable Development Goals Low carbon economy

Life cycle Assessment and Ecodesign
Related Projects
Acronym Project Abstract url_reference end_date
Arcadia http://www.arcadia.enea.it 30/04/2023
FOOD CROSSING 31/03/2018
TRADITOM 01/02/2018
ENEL DEF 14/12/2016
NANOREG The project are developing a guide line for a common European approach to the regulatory t(...) http://nanoreg.eu/ 30/08/2016
EcoADD The project aims at the scale-up of an existing prototype for production of the bio-based (...) 01/11/2015
G.EN.ESI G.EN.ESI is a software platform which is being realized through the development of a set o(...) http://www.genesi-fp7.eu/ 01/02/2015
ECO-SCP-MED The project ECO-SCP-MED is a 16-month project which aims at ensure sustainability across t(...) www.ecoscpmed.eu 31/12/2014
PRESOURCE Funded by the Central Europe programme (European Regional Development Fund), the PRESOURCE(...) http://www.presource.eu/ 30/11/2014
JRC IES 31/08/2014
BIOMASSVAL The project, funded by the Italian Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry policies, (...) http://sito.entecra.it/portale/cra_progetto_dettaglio.php?id_progetto=%22e4746ad2-0ad5-afd5-c13e-49fea60929b6%22&lingua=IT&opz_menu= 31/12/2013
NANOHex The project are developing a guide line for a common European approach to the regulatory t(...) http://www.nanohex.org/ 31/03/2013
ACT-CLEAN http://www.act-clean.eu 01/12/2011
DEPUIS Promotion and training of Standards to support environmentally friendly design.(...) standards.eu-innova.org/depuis 31/07/2009
FoodManufuture The FoodManufuture project is going to perform a Conceptual Design Study to provide the ba(...) http://www.foodmanufuture.eu
Rete Ita LCA www.reteitalianalca.it

Available related Outcomes and deliverables
Title Abstract Keywords Link
Portale degli strumenti ecologici on line per le PMI www. ecosmes.net LCA screening, ecodesign, on-line www.ecosmes.net
Strumenti semplificati di LCA di screening eVerdEE e di ecodesign TESPI Strumenti semplificati, LCA, ecodesign Semplified tools, LCA ecodesign http://www.ecosmes.net
Politiche di produzione e consumo sostenibili - PCS LCA screening, ecodesign, on-line http://odl.casaccia.enea.it/FADIIIGen/FadIIISite/index.htm
Banca dati europea di best practices per le tecnologie pulite - Eco innovazione, tecnologie pulite, strumenti per le PMI. - Ecoinnovation, clean tecnologies, tools for SMes. www.act-clean.eu
Toolbox di strumenti di sostenibilità www.act-clean.eu
Seminario sugli strumenti di ecoinnovazione

Research units working on the topic
Unit Research unit long name Laboratory In short URL
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) http://www.reteitalianalca.it

Produced bibliography on the topic
Year Title Reference Publication type
2022 Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes Francesca Cappellaro, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Felipe Barroco, Claudia Carani, Alberto B... Paper International Journal with referee
2011 Capitolo 3: TECNOLOGIE/METODOLOGIE DI PRODOTTO R. Buonamici, P. Buttol, F. Cappellaro, V. Fantin, P. Masoni, P. Porta, C. Rinaldi, S. Scalbi, A. Za... Book chapter
2007 Una nuova etichetta ambientale di prodotto basata sul sistema POEMS: applicazione alle aziende del settore legno-arredo R. Luciani, C. Rinaldi, A. Zamagni, P. Masoni, Una nuova etichetta ambientale di prodotto basata sul... Paper National Conference with referee
2005 Experiences in promotion of IPP in SMEs via the webplatform www.ecosmes.net P. Masoni, P. Buttol, R. Buonamici, L. Naldesi, 'Experiences in promotion of IPP in SMEs via the web... Paper International Journal with referee






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