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MER Marketing and govERning innovative industrial areas.
Acronym MER
Abstract The project ECO-SCP-MED is a 16-month project which aims to make green marketing a tool for governance of industrial areas (IAs) in Mediterranean. Objective is to improve the competitiveness and attractiveness of the Med area for a sustainable growth
Large_Description The project MER is based on the guide principle that the green promotion of territories and industrial areas is a key value to invest on. MER aims at arranging an effective network of actors able to concretely influence public policies into the frame of Europe2020. This network should be engaged for sustainable economic growth of the MED area. The milestone of MER will consist in networking activities aimed at defining guidelines for promoting and governing innovative industrial areas. The positive results of previous projects and benchmarking analysis will be the base for the implementation of e-training tools. MER will develop addresses for policies both at local and European level and all the PPs will sign MER commitment as a long-term capitalization engagement.
The final objective is to increase the European territorial competitiveness and attractiveness by applying green marketing tools and strategies to the promotion of industrial areas.
MER aims at providing tools for an integrative approach to industrial areas governance in the MED area. For integrative we mean a governance including many sectors of interest in the frame of sustainable economic growth. All these fields of intervention can be associated by the cross-cutting theme of green-marketing for territories. In fact all the tools developed in previous projects (ECOMARK, MEID, SEPA, COBRAMAN, MEDTECHNOPOLIS, KnowIng, ENERSCAPES) can become tools for the enhancement of the territory and can be exchanged as good practices. MER is expected to make these tools for sustainability become component of an integrative green-marketing strategy to be incorporated into public policies aimed at making the MED area smarter and more attractive for businesses.
location Mediterranean regions: Italy, Spain, France, Cyprus, Slovenia, Greece.
start_date 01/07/2013
end_date 31/12/2014
IPR All the outputs are free of rights and consequently of public interest as defined in the Consortium Agreement
achievements • 1 Macro benchmarking study
• 1 Best practices identification
• 1 Integrated MER guidelines
• 11 Local action plan for IA marketing and governing
• 1 Integrated MER policy recommendations
• 1 joint web-based training platform to use as a supporting tool for raising the awareness of the relevance of green marketing for the competiveness of European areas;
innovation Integration of methodologies, tools, multi-levels of governance, will provide a broad innovative capitalization of results and dissemination to reinforce the opportunities of eco-innovation in the Med Area.
Keywords Innovative Industrial Areas, Eco-innovation, Green marketing of the territories, Eco-industrial parks
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords Innovative Industrial Areas, Eco-innovation, Green marketing of the territories, Eco-industrial parks
S3 Area none  Traiectory  not specified
Platform none  Section not specified
Project_Type INN
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Scientific/Technical coordinator

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