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1.3. Smart Energy grids
Energy grids
Related Projects
Acronym Project Abstract url_reference end_date
ELECTRA The ELECTRA Integrated Research Programme on Smart Grids (ELECTRA) has been created by the(...) 12/12/2017
ARTISAN The ARTISAN project envisions significant reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissio(...) 30/04/2014
SeesGen The main objectives of SEESGEN-ICT consist in producing a harmonized set of priorities to (...) 31/12/2011

Available related Outcomes and deliverables
Title Abstract Keywords Link
Methodology for analyzing the evaluation of the technical, economic, financial and environmental potentials for rehabilitation projects (Part Two) Technical interventions needed for achieve energy savings through financial investment with the primary goal to obtain a saving through improvements in energy efficiency. Cogeneration, Distributed genaration, power park, energy district, Energy Service Company
EAT-SGIS tool Excel tool which enable the collection and the arrangement of information about interoperability Smart Grid standards. Smart Grid, Standards, Assessment Download tool
UrbanDataset Creator for Energy Networks

Research units working on the topic
Unit Research unit long name Laboratory In short URL
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY)

X-LAB is a laboratory, located in Bologna, dedicated to technologies and standards for interoperability and their tra...

Produced bibliography on the topic
Year Title Reference Publication type
2020 Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica Marialaura Di Somma, Claudia Meloni, Gianluca D’Agosta,
Focus ENEA: 'Le Energy Community nel quadro...
Paper Journal without referee
2015 Looking for the unified classification and evaluation approach of SG interface standards for the purposes of ELECTRA IRP
Angelo Frascella, Jacek Swiderski, Gianluigi Proserpio, Evangelos Rikos, Armağan Temiz, Aleksan... Paper International Conference with referee
2011 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/3 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/1, di Angelo Frascella, Andrea gentile, Piero Pozzi, su CyberCrim... Others

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