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Analytical Techniques for a Rapid Determination of Nitrogen Content in Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Authors A. Rizzo, C. Telloli  Year 2019
Pubblication type Paper International Journal with referee
Abstract A more attention to agri-food products was increase from the consumers not only because of their nutritional value but also for their origin (location) and authenticity, in order to practice more conscious consumption and to safeguard their health. Analytical chemistry played an important role in traceability for all products in the food market. Olive oil is an important agricultural product for the economy of the Mediterranean area, but it has undergone major alterations in quality in recent years. In Italy, some farmers worked in the olive oil sector have been subjected to legal investigations due to manipulations through mixture with olive oils from other countries. The aim of this study was to verify and develop a fast screening method to characterize specific parameters of olive oil, such as acidity and nitrogen content, and to highlight correlations with the pathogen Xylella fastidiosa.
Reference Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Science, 1 (2019) 1-5.
WEB Reference
Research unit TRAC
Keywords CN; Olive oil; Traceability; Xylella fastidiosa.
LastUpdate 04/03/2021
Related research topics
Code Topic Description
4.2 Isotopic Traceability of products Isotopic techniques for checking product's origin

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