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>List of all the projects
NIMBLE: collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe
Acronym NIMBLE
Abstract NIMBLE will develop the infrastructure for a cloud-based, Industrie 4.0, Internet-of-things-enabled B2B platform for European manufacturing firms
business work flows.
img Image
Large_Description NIMBLE: collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe will develop the infrastructure
for a cloud-based, Industrie 4.0, Internet-of-things-enabled B2B platform on which European manufacturing firms can
register, publish machine-readable catalogs for products and services, search for suitable supply chain partners, negotiate
contracts and supply logistics, and develop private and secure B2B and M2M information exchange channels to optimise
business work flows. The infrastructure will be developed as open source software under an Apache-type, permissive
license. The governance model is a federation of platforms for multi-sided trade, with mandatory interoperation functions and
optional added-value business functions that can be provided by third parties. This will foster the growth of a net-centric
business ecosystem for sustainable innovation and fair competition as envisaged by the Digital Agenda 2020. Prospective
NIMBLE providers can take the open source infrastructure and bundle it with sectoral, regional or functional added value
services and launch a new platform in the federation.
Internet platforms need fast adoption rates and the work plan reflects this: we start attracting early adopters from day one
and develop the initial, working platform in year one. Added-value business functions follow in year two and final validation at
large scale, involving hundreds of external firms, will happen in year three. Our adoption plan is designed to enable two or
more platform providers at the end of the project, and to have 1000 to 2000 enterprises connected to the overall ecosystem
at that point. NIMBLE has 17 partners grouped around 3 main activities: developing the infrastructure, running a platform
adoption programme, and validating the platform with 4 supply chains (white goods, wooden houses, fashion fabrics, and
child care furniture).
NIMBLE will give manufacturing SMEs in Europe a stable and sustainable digital ecosystem.
start_date 01/07/2016
end_date 30/04/2020
Keywords factory of the future, xml, testing, collaboration, industry 4.0, iot, b2b, manufacturing
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords factory of the future, xml, testing, collaboration, industry 4.0, iot, b2b, manufacturing
S3 Area none  Traiectory  not specified
Platform none  Section not specified
Project_Type R&D
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Partner

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
3.1.6 blockchain blockchain and distributed ledger technologies
3.1 Interoperability technologies
I.1 Innovation in Fashion industry Innovation in FASHION industry

See also
Traceability in textile industry






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