CustomUBL is an on-line application designed and developed to enable the consultation, navigation and customization of UBL schema documents through the introduction of simple constraints and co-constraint.
CustomXSD is a web application for the consultation, the exhaustive navigation and customization of XML Schema documents through the definition of simple constraints and co-constraint (XML Schema 1.1)..
CP-NET (Collaboration Protocol - Networking Enterprises Technology) is a software application set to enable enterprises, cooperating through a collaborative framework ebXML-based, to achieve and to perform Business Collaborations.
Energy Efficiency training courses for clothing industry (SESEC project)
Training courses developed in the SESEC project framework to introduce best practices and self-assessment tool for energy efficiency. Languages: Italian, English, German, Romanian, Bulgarian, Portuguese.
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
Feasibility study concerning the design and adoption of interoperability specifications implementing data exchange and indicators that estimate evolution and performance of energy communities.
MSH2 is a Message Service Handler implementation supporting ebxml Message Service (ebMS) specification and SMTP communication protocol. MSH2 is developed in Visual Basic .NET language with MS Visual Studio 2005, it is a part of CP-NET.
The Ontology Explorer is a web tool with a dynamic interface and based on the last AJAX technologies (GWT) for the visualization, the navigation and the research on every OWL Ontology in the Web.
Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs
The final public report "Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs" has been published by the SET project; the report provides insight of what has been achieved and what will be pursued by textile companies of 12 countries in the near future.
Report: Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation: the perspective of the COIN Integrated Research project
A generic methodology to master the complexity of the relationships between outcomes of a complex IT research project (like COIN is) and current standardisation activities running in a multiplicity of bodies and consortia.