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Updated WEB pages (CMS): 3
How to contact ENEA TECHNOPOLE in BOLOGNA (435)
Edi (Tecnopolo ENEA Bologna) Headquarters: Bologna Via dei Mille 21, 40121, Tel. 051 6098111
Maria Anna (LAERTE) Headquarters: Bologna Via dei Mille 21, 40121, Tel. 051 6098624
Luigi Petta (LEA - Laboratorio ENEA
QP139-004 - PGA03 Procedura per la Gestione della Formazione
Tecnopolo e Regione
News: 2
Kick-off of CEN Workshop launched byTRICK project (from TECNOPOLO ENEA BOLOGNA)
A new CEN Workshop, based on TRICK project results, to enhance traceability and sustainability data collection in textile and clothing supply chains will start with its kick-off meeting on December 5th.
This initiative is one of the main outcomes of TRICK European project in terms of contribution t
The main objective of this CEN Workshop is to deliver a pre-standard document with the objective to establish guidelines to enable and optimize data collection along textile and clothing supply chains, improving traceability, transparency and sustainability claims, in line with European regulations
2024 National Data Centre (NDC) Workshop - China (from TECNOPOLO ENEA BOLOGNA)
Traceability Lab at the 2024 National Data Centre (NDC) Workshop in China to engage with participants from over 60 Member States on the National Data Centre.
Close to 100 participants from 60+ States Signatories gather in Beijing, China for the 2024 National Data Centre (NDC) Workshop. In his opening remarks, Sun Xiaobo, Director-General of Arms Control Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, #China🇨🇳 emphasized its continued strong supp
Results: 3
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
Feasibility study concerning the design and adoption of interoperability specifications implementing data exchange and indicators that estimate evolution and performance of energy communities.
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
Feasibility study concerning the design and adoption of interoperability specifications implementing data exchange and indicators that estimate evolution and performance of energy communities.
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
Feasibility study concerning the design and adoption of interoperability specifications implementing data exchange and indicators that estimate evolution and performance of energy communities.
Parametrization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in Renewable Energy Communities: a case study application
Carlo Petrovich, Samuele Branchetti, Gianluca D’Agosta
In 2018, the European Clean Energy Package introduced the concept of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) to promote the use of renewable energy sources and local energy consumption. This initiative also supports increased self-sufficiency and mitigates the negative impact of renewable energy on grid
Predicting the impact of public events and mobility in Smart Cities
lena Bellodi, Riccardo Zese, Carlo Petrovich, Angelo Frascella, Francesco Bertasi
The ubiquitous presence of smartphones and the ever-expanding Internet of Things are generating a treasure trove of data on human movement. We harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to extract knowledge within this data, in particular for predicting people flows and density in a Smart City. Th
Data Model and domain-specific ontologies implementation
Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Massa, G., & Brutti, A.
The main results of task T2.2 'Semantic model and domain-specific ontologies presentations' are reported in this document, which is the logical continuation of the deliverable 'D1.4 Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures outcomes'.
The aim of D2.2 is to represent the main
Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures
Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Fantin, V., Scalbi, S., Massa, G., & Brutti, A.
The deliverable D1.4 addresses two aspects of the TRICK project: the flows of the data among the actors of TRICK use cases and the preliminary phase (including operative guidelines) of the PEF studies.
The final concrete outcomes of the deliverable, useful for the next design and development step
Potential contribution to standardization from TRICK project
Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., & Canepa, A.
The results presented in the deliverable D7.7 come from the activity carried out under task T7.4 'Standardization and public and civil society involvement for policy contribution to circular economy approach'. It collects the (actual and/or potential) contributions to standardization coming from TRI
A novel method for PFAS removal in water for human use
Ubaldini A., Rizzo A., Telloli C., Lo Meo S.
Industrial society requires an ability to treat waste water or generally with the presence of pollutants and the ability of doing it in a profitable way is an important environmental and technological challenge, which requires a combination of multiple processes, chemical, physical and biological.
Campionamento di gas nobili in aria e nel sottosuolo utilizzando un germanio ad alta purezza a basso fondo
Mounja M.M., Rizzo A., Salvi S., Telloli C.
Questo rapporto presenta l’ottimizzazione del sistema di campionamento e di analisi per la rivelazione di xeno radioattivo, sviluppato presso il Laboratorio Tracciabilità (FSN-SICNUC-TNMT) del Brasimone. L’apparato prevede il campionamento dell’aria esterna, l’adsorbimento dello xeno su carboni atti
Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
Rizzo Antonietta, Telloli Chiara
Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
Telloli C, Salvi S, Rizzo A, Ubaldini A.
The August, 2 2017 Decree, which standardized the health protection requirements from the presence of radioactive substances in the waters intended for human consumption, provides for the obligation to verify the value of two parameters relating to the radioactivity content in drinking water: the co
Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
Telloli C., Salvi S., Rizzo A., Ubaldini A.
The August, 2 2017 Decree, which standardized, on the national territory, the health protection requirements from the presence of radioactive substances in the waters intended for human consumption defined by Legislative Decree 28/2016 and updating the Legislative Decree 31/2001, provides for the ob
Characterization of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
Telloli C, Rizzo A, Salvi S, Pozzobon A, Marrocchino E, Vaccaro C.
After the nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s, the atmospheric tritium levels have almost returned to natural levels (pre-1950 levels), which means that tritium is becoming more effective in determining transit times in hydrological systems. It has also been demonstrated that tritium is a
Chemical Characterization of Particulate Matter in the Renaissance City of Ferrara
Marrocchino E, Telloli C, Rizzo A.
Ciclo di vita del cloro in ambiente geochimico
Rizzo A., Telloli C., Marrocchino E., Vaccaro C.
Questo rapporto analizza il ciclo del cloro nelle diverse matrici ambientali focalizzandosi sulle applicazioni del 36Cl per studi paleoclimatici ed ambientali, per la datazione di processi geologici nel quaternario, per studi antropologici e per l’analisi del ciclo dell’acqua.
Sono state raccoglie
Ciclo di vita del cloro in ambiente geochimico e sviluppo di una metodologia di campionamento del percolato in acque sotterranee
Rizzo A., Telloli C., Marrocchino E., Vaccaro C.
Questo rapporto è il secondo volume del 'ciclo di vita del cloro' nelle diverse matrici ambientali, che approfondisce le diverse metodologie di campionamento e le tecniche analitiche del cloro.
Sono state raccolte le esperienze eseguite da vari autori nell’analisi del cloro e del suo isotopo 36Cl p
Electrolytic enrichment method for the determination of tritium in aquifers: tritium as an indicator of anthropogenic pollution
Telloli C, Di Renzo D, Rizzo A, Salvi S, Marrocchino E, Vaccaro C.
ENEA 14C laboratory update
A. Rizzo, C. Telloli, P. Bartolomei
We report on the status and capabilities of the ENEA 14C Laboratory. After a technical evaluation, ENEA decided to move the entire laboratory - including equipment and personnel - in a new location at the main headquarters in Bologna (Italy). The laboratory was definitely closed in November 2014 and
Evaluation of the radionuclide concentration in the sediments of the Sacca di Goro (Italy)
Telloli C, Rizzo A, Bertelli L, Bartolomei P, Vaccaro C.
Chernobyl accident introduced many radionuclides into the environment and Sacca di Goro, in the Adriatic Sea (north of Italy) is one of the
areas affected by the contamination of Chernobyl products. Since the average lifetime of many radionuclides emitted by the fall-out is now over, a
further cam
Gas content analysis in saturated-unsaturated transition area and in the groundwater to support the investigation for the geological disposal of radioactive wastes
Rizzo A., Telloli C.
Unexpected methane and CO2 releases from the ground and noble and conventional gases in groundwater could be favored by stress produced by geological and seismic phenomena. For this reason, ENEA together with the University if Ferrara are proposing a protocol aiming to detect gases in the soil, focu
Geochemical and isotopic tracers to define the aquifer’s vulnerability: the case study of the alluvial multi-aquifer system of the Friulian plain
Di Renzo D, Rizzo A, Telloli C, Salvi S, Marrocchino E, Nieto Yàbar D, Vaccaro C.
The Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region (north of Italy) is characterized by the presence of high-quality freshwater resources which benefit local citizens, animals, environmental habitats, and also agriculture and production activities. Waters from wells, canal, and wastewater selected in the Fiume Veneto
Il problema della rimozione dei PFAS dalle acque per uso civile: trattamento mediante irraggiamento elettronico
Ubaldini A, Rizzo A, Telloli C.
ENEA sintetizza lo stato della situazione italiana per quello che riguarda la normativa sulla presenza di PFAS nelle acque ad uso civile e mette in luce i punti critici nei quali sono necessarie indagini approfondite per identificare una nuova metodologia per l’abbattimento di queste sostanze.
Il m
Isotopes content analysis in saturated-unsaturated transition area and in the groundwater to support the investigation of nuclear underground events.
A. Rizzo, C. Telloli, C. Vaccaro
Unexpected methane and CO2 releases from the ground and noble and conventional gases in groundwater could be favored by stress produced by a nuclear explosion. For this reason, the protocol proposed aims to detect gases in the soil, focusing the investigation in the transition area between saturated
Metodologia per analisi del trizio in acque sotterranee
Telloli C, Rizzo A, Salvi S, Ubaldini A.
Il Laboratorio Tracciabilità dell'ENEA di Bologna contribuisce al monitoraggio di radioisotopi nell’ambiente, in particolar modo radiocarbonio (14C) e trizio (3H). Grazie ad una collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Ferrara, il Laboratorio è stato coin
Radioactivity in building materials
Telloli C, Salvi S, Rizzo A, Taddei F, De Maria A, Marrocchino E, Vaccaro C
All building materials have a small but not negligible amount of natural radioactivity; since they come from the earth’s crust, this radioactivity is due to the radioactive families of Uranium (U-238), Thorium (Th-232), and Potassium (K-40), in varying concentrations depending on the type and origin
Radon and CO2 tracer for radioxenon subsurface sampling in the On Site Inspection
Telloli C., Vaccaro C., Ferrucci B., Rizzo A., Salvi S., Ubaldini A.
The detection of anomalous concentration of Xenon radiosotopes in the subsurface gases during an On Site Inspection (OSI) is a strong indicator of a suspicious underground nuclear explosion. This implies that the sampling methodology ensure the collection of a reliable representative subsurface gase
Reference indicators enabling preliminary evaluations of the impact of radioactive releases on agricultural products
Ferrucci B., Telloli C.
After the release of high levels of radioactivity into the environment, one of the main concern relates the contamination of the foodstuffs. In some exposure scenarios the transfer of radionuclides through the food chain to consumers represents a major contribution to human dose. Therefore an accura
Relazioni e scambi fra acque superficiali e sotterranee attraverso la datazione delle risorse idriche con traccianti isotopici cosmogenici
Rizzo A, Telloli C, Salvi S, Vaccaro C, Di Renzo D, Marrocchino E, Nieto D.
Questo rapporto descrive la campagna di monitoraggio richiesta dalla società LTA 'Livenza Tagliamento Acque S.p.A.'. Il seguente lavoro è stato finalizzato alla caratterizzazione dei corpi idrici superficiali e sotterranei della pianura friulana, che ricade nella provincia di Pordenone nel bacino di
Tritium as a marker for anthropogenic pollution and for the vulnerability assessment of groundwater systems
Rizzo A, Di Renzo D., Telloli C, Salvi S, Vaccaro C.
The monitoring of Tritium concentration in groundwater is a very useful tool for the determination of recent exchanges with surface water and of the presence of anthropogenic contributions.
Tritium (3H) has both anthropogenic and origin cosmogenic: it is produced in nuclear weapon testing and in nu
Trizio come marker per l'inquinamento antropico e per la valutazione della vulnerabilità dei sistemi idrici sotterranei
Telloli C.
Il monitoraggio della concentrazione di Trizio nelle acque sotterranee è uno strumento molto utile per la determinazione degli scambi recenti con le acque superficiali e della presenza di apporti antropici, soprattutto da materiali luminescenti. Il trizio (3H) ha sia origine antropica che cosmogenic
Water Footprint e Sostenibilità Ambientale attraverso l’utilizzo di isotopi come marker di riferimento
Telloli C.
Xenon radioisotopes measurement as monitoring tool for transuranic radioactive wastes
A. Rizzo, S. Salvi, B. Ferrucci, C. Telloli
Radioxenon is mainly produced as fission product by nuclear power plants but also by spontaneous fission of transuranic isotopes as Pu-240. Xe is a noble gas characterized by chemical inertia and high mobility in the underground so it could be of interest for the monitoring of Pu-240 in the wastes,
Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione