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This page allows to see all the new or updated news, pages and documents in this web site in the most recent period.

According to the current selection filter the last 120 days are considered

days from today

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Updated WEB pages (CMS): 3
bullet point 04/02/2025
How to contact ENEA TECHNOPOLE in BOLOGNA (435)
bullet point 15/11/2024
HOME tecnopolo (436)
bullet point 18/10/2024
Laboratory Traceability (446)
New documents in Repository: 1
bullet point 27/11/2024
WP132-009 - M1ElectricUserDevice-2.0_CERUseProfile
Updated documents in Repository: 1
bullet point 05/12/2024
QP139-004 - PGA03 Procedura per la Gestione della Formazione
News: 2
bullet point 20/12/2024
Kick-off of CEN Workshop launched byTRICK project (from TECNOPOLO ENEA BOLOGNA)
bullet point 22/10/2024
2024 National Data Centre (NDC) Workshop - China (from TECNOPOLO ENEA BOLOGNA)
Results: 3
bullet point 04/12/2024
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
bullet point 04/12/2024
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
bullet point 04/12/2024
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
Projects: 3
bullet point 18/10/2024
bullet point 18/10/2024
Radiocarbonio - Analisi al radiocarbonio per servizio geologico Regione Emilia-Romagna
bullet point 18/10/2024
TECNOPOLO - TECNOPOLO Manifattura Tabacchi Bologna - laboratori ricerca industriale
Bibliography: 30
bullet point 07/02/2025
Parametrization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in Renewable Energy Communities: a case study application
bullet point 05/11/2024
Predicting the impact of public events and mobility in Smart Cities
bullet point 29/10/2024
Data Model and domain-specific ontologies implementation
bullet point 29/10/2024
Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures
bullet point 29/10/2024
Potential contribution to standardization from TRICK project
bullet point 18/10/2024
A novel method for PFAS removal in water for human use
bullet point 18/10/2024
Campionamento di gas nobili in aria e nel sottosuolo utilizzando un germanio ad alta purezza a basso fondo
bullet point 18/10/2024
Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
bullet point 18/10/2024
Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
bullet point 18/10/2024
Characterization and analysis of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
bullet point 18/10/2024
Characterization of groundwater recharge through tritium measurements
bullet point 18/10/2024
Chemical Characterization of Particulate Matter in the Renaissance City of Ferrara
bullet point 18/10/2024
Ciclo di vita del cloro in ambiente geochimico
bullet point 18/10/2024
Ciclo di vita del cloro in ambiente geochimico e sviluppo di una metodologia di campionamento del percolato in acque sotterranee
bullet point 18/10/2024
Electrolytic enrichment method for the determination of tritium in aquifers: tritium as an indicator of anthropogenic pollution
bullet point 18/10/2024
ENEA 14C laboratory update
bullet point 18/10/2024
Evaluation of the radionuclide concentration in the sediments of the Sacca di Goro (Italy)
bullet point 18/10/2024
Gas content analysis in saturated-unsaturated transition area and in the groundwater to support the investigation for the geological disposal of radioactive wastes
bullet point 18/10/2024
Geochemical and isotopic tracers to define the aquifer’s vulnerability: the case study of the alluvial multi-aquifer system of the Friulian plain
bullet point 18/10/2024
Il problema della rimozione dei PFAS dalle acque per uso civile: trattamento mediante irraggiamento elettronico
bullet point 18/10/2024
Isotopes content analysis in saturated-unsaturated transition area and in the groundwater to support the investigation of nuclear underground events.
bullet point 18/10/2024
Metodologia per analisi del trizio in acque sotterranee
bullet point 18/10/2024
Radioactivity in building materials
bullet point 18/10/2024
Radon and CO2 tracer for radioxenon subsurface sampling in the On Site Inspection
bullet point 18/10/2024
Reference indicators enabling preliminary evaluations of the impact of radioactive releases on agricultural products
bullet point 18/10/2024
Relazioni e scambi fra acque superficiali e sotterranee attraverso la datazione delle risorse idriche con traccianti isotopici cosmogenici
bullet point 18/10/2024
Tritium as a marker for anthropogenic pollution and for the vulnerability assessment of groundwater systems
bullet point 18/10/2024
Trizio come marker per l'inquinamento antropico e per la valutazione della vulnerabilità dei sistemi idrici sotterranei
bullet point 18/10/2024
Water Footprint e Sostenibilità Ambientale attraverso l’utilizzo di isotopi come marker di riferimento
bullet point 18/10/2024
Xenon radioisotopes measurement as monitoring tool for transuranic radioactive wastes




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