Large-scale European Conference to present final results of eBIZ-TCF Project: more than 120 participants
More about eBIZ-TCF project: click here
20-21 October 2009, PLAZA Hotel, Brussels
Press release: here
Understand how harmonised e-business processes based on affordable technology can offer big operational advantages to small (or large) companies in our industry
Hear success stories from individual textile, clothing, footwear and retail SME’s which have implemented the eBIZ pilot system
Listen to the EC’s appraisal of this first-of-its-kind project in which our industry pioneered the way for other sectors to follow
Speakers will include high-level representatives of the EC (DG Enterprise), the involved industry and retail sectors, ICT providers and standardisation bodies.
The eBIZ-TCF architecture creates synergyes between the specifications of Moda-ML (Textile clothing manufacturers), Shoenet (Footwear manufacturers) and UBL (retail for clothing and footwear).
Agenda of the meeting click here
A short overview about the eBIZ-TCF project is here
Online documentation of the architecture
 Overview of the conference
For more information about the eBIZ-TCF project please visit the official site in or contact Mauro Scalia at or +32-2-285.48.91
 Participants of the conference