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- About
- Principia of Moda-ML
- Our way
- Welcome in eBIZ
- To know more
- The problem
- Interoperability
- Benefits of Moda-ML and eBIZ
Projects and initiatives
- TRICK traceability
+ eBIZ-4.0
- eBIZ 4.0 project
- Survey on eBIZ and RFID
- eBIZ 4.0 pilots
- Result: eBIZ 2018-1
- A strategic discussion
- eBIZ-TCF overview
- eBIZ Architecture
- Pilots and Guide
- eBIZ-TCF final conference
- Other eBIZ-TCF events (2010)
- Join the eBIZ community
- Video on eBIZ-TCF results
- WS eBIZ after eBIZ-TCF
+ Moda-ML
- Moda-ML project in short
- Initial objectives
- Final results 2003
- Demonstrative SW 2003
- BPSS and CPP 2003
- Study on CPP extension 2003
- Exploitation
- Partners
- External partners
- Final report of Moda-ML
+ Related Projects
- Unified clothing coding
- TexWeave (standard)
- Texspin (standard)
- Trame
+ Research projects
- Textile Technology platform
- TexWin
- Leapfrog in short
Case histories
- Case histories summary
- eBIZ 4.0 pilots
- LISA spa Fabrics
- IPSA Consortium (Cariaggi)
- Fabric check for INCO Zegna Group
- Biella district case
- The case Quality Biella
- eBIZ pilot: a transnational network
- eBIZ Pilot: Greece and Hungary
- The eBIZ-TCF pilots
- Video testimonials
- eBIZ domain overview
+ eBIZ/Moda-ML for Textile Clothing
- eBIZ/Moda-ML 2018-1 version overview
- ------------------------------
- Collaborative PROCESSES
- XML DOCUMENTS full list
- XML documents per TRANSACTIONS
- Decoding tables
- XML samples
- All online resources
- Dictionary of terms
- ------------------------------
- eBIZ/Textile Clothing upstream (Moda-ML)
- Current draft version eBIZ/Moda-ML for comments
- History of the Moda-ML releases
+ eBIZ for Retail
- eBIZ-TCF downstream architecture
- eBIZ/Shoenet for Footwear
+ Current draft version eBIZ for comments
- New documents for comments(draft version)
- Updated Draft tables of codes
- Implementing eBIZ
Supporting Tools
- Dictionary of Moda-ML terms
- eBIZ Document Validator
- Example: ms-excel to import XML
- ebXML Tools: MSH2
- Using MSH2 in 6 steps
- Download di MSH2
- Client setup
- Collaboration
- MSH2 Syntax Conventions
- MSH2 run
- MSH2 Envelope
- MSH2 Simple Mail
- MSH2 Basic Test
To know more
- NEWS file
- Videos
- Public events eBIZ (summary)
- Frankfurt 19-9-2018, eBIZ Fashion Forum
- Bologna 9/9/2017, eBIZ at R2B and RegioTex
- Bruxelles 26/6/2013, CEN WS eBIZ plenary
- Prato 6/6/2013, eBIZ and textile
- Treviso 16/5/2013, eBIZ and clothing
- Milano SMI 9/5/2013, eBIZ meets ICT
- Milano 13/3/2013, eBIZ at Trace.ID Fashion
- Milano 12/7/2012, eBIZ at SMI
- Bologna, 10/5/2012, Enterprise networks
- eBIZ-TCF events 2010
- eBIZ Bruxelles, 20/10/2009
- Biella, 24/6/09
- Denkendorf, 16/10/03
- Paris, 25/6/03
- Milano, 11/4/03
- Treviso, 19/2/03
- Biella, 30/11/02
- Avantex, 15/5/02
- Milano, 19/9/01 (slides, Italian)
- Moda-ML events in short (2003-07)
+ Newsletter and focus group
- Getting Newsletter and focus group
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.1
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.2
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.3
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.4
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.5
- eBIZ newsletter n.6
- eBIZ newsletter n.7
- Press review
+ Tutorials and slides
- From Moda-ML to eBIZ-TCF
- eBIZ 4.0 architecture and vision
- eBIZ a common language (slides)
- eBIZ architecture (slides)
+ Courses
- mini-COURSE adoption
- Linkedin group eBIZ-TCF
italian only
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