NYC Auditorium CEGEDIM
Tex-Spin Final Conference was held on 25th of June in Paris/France with the support of NYC and IFTH. Tex-spin which is a project coordinated by Euratex and supported by the parallel workshop aimed to provide the Textile/Clothing sector with an open pre-normative platform for electronic data interchange based on XML documents. The Tex-Spin Workshop is based on the contribution, in terms of technologies, experience and know-how, from the corresponding project Tex-Spin (upgraded EDITEX messages conforming EANCOM and pilot XML/EDI experiences based on new XML messages, promoted by Euratex) and from two projects realised in Italy (MODA-ML, upstream part of the supply chain, European IST funding) and in France (ETEXML, downstream part of the supply chain, nationally funded). The results of the Tex-Spin project were progressively validated within the Workshop and produced a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) that was presented at the Final Conference in Paris. The CEN Workshop Agreement consists in a report presented in the form of a "best practice" statement and it concerns:
After the meeting all the documents have been submitted for voting among all the members of the workshop via e-mail; registered members, even absent to the event, were allowed to express their votes and their comments (via e-mail until July 31st 2003 to the workshop secretariat, madame Carla Sirocchi, UNINFO, and copy to the chairman Piero De Sabbata, ENEA, The documents discussed in this meeting (the CEN Workshop Agreement and its annexes) are freely available for the download from the site of Workshop Texspin
Translation: The double translation English/French was supplied during all the conference LINKs & Downloads |