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- About
- Principia of Moda-ML
- Our way
- Welcome in eBIZ
- To know more
- The problem
- Interoperability
- Benefits of Moda-ML and eBIZ
Projects and initiatives
- TRICK traceability
+ eBIZ-4.0
- eBIZ 4.0 project
- Survey on eBIZ and RFID
- eBIZ 4.0 pilots
- Result: eBIZ 2018-1
- A strategic discussion
- eBIZ-TCF overview
- eBIZ Architecture
- Pilots and Guide
- eBIZ-TCF final conference
- Other eBIZ-TCF events (2010)
- Join the eBIZ community
- Video on eBIZ-TCF results
- WS eBIZ after eBIZ-TCF
+ Moda-ML
- Moda-ML project in short
- Initial objectives
- Final results 2003
- Demonstrative SW 2003
- BPSS and CPP 2003
- Study on CPP extension 2003
- Exploitation
- Partners
- External partners
- Final report of Moda-ML
+ Related Projects
- Unified clothing coding
- TexWeave (standard)
- Texspin (standard)
- Trame
+ Research projects
- Textile Technology platform
- TexWin
- Leapfrog in short
Case histories
- Case histories summary
- eBIZ 4.0 pilots
- LISA spa Fabrics
- IPSA Consortium (Cariaggi)
- Fabric check for INCO Zegna Group
- Biella district case
- The case Quality Biella
- eBIZ pilot: a transnational network
- eBIZ Pilot: Greece and Hungary
- The eBIZ-TCF pilots
- Video testimonials
- eBIZ domain overview
+ eBIZ/Moda-ML for Textile Clothing
- eBIZ/Moda-ML 2018-1 version overview
- ------------------------------
- Collaborative PROCESSES
- XML DOCUMENTS full list
- XML documents per TRANSACTIONS
- Decoding tables
- XML samples
- All online resources
- Dictionary of terms
- ------------------------------
- eBIZ/Textile Clothing upstream (Moda-ML)
- Current draft version eBIZ/Moda-ML for comments
- History of the Moda-ML releases
+ eBIZ for Retail
- eBIZ-TCF downstream architecture
- eBIZ/Shoenet for Footwear
+ Current draft version eBIZ for comments
- New documents for comments(draft version)
- Updated Draft tables of codes
- Implementing eBIZ
Supporting Tools
- Dictionary of Moda-ML terms
- eBIZ Document Validator
- Example: ms-excel to import XML
- ebXML Tools: MSH2
- Using MSH2 in 6 steps
- Download di MSH2
- Client setup
- Collaboration
- MSH2 Syntax Conventions
- MSH2 run
- MSH2 Envelope
- MSH2 Simple Mail
- MSH2 Basic Test
To know more
- NEWS file
- Videos
- Public events eBIZ (summary)
- Frankfurt 19-9-2018, eBIZ Fashion Forum
- Bologna 9/9/2017, eBIZ at R2B and RegioTex
- Bruxelles 26/6/2013, CEN WS eBIZ plenary
- Prato 6/6/2013, eBIZ and textile
- Treviso 16/5/2013, eBIZ and clothing
- Milano SMI 9/5/2013, eBIZ meets ICT
- Milano 13/3/2013, eBIZ at Trace.ID Fashion
- Milano 12/7/2012, eBIZ at SMI
- Bologna, 10/5/2012, Enterprise networks
- eBIZ-TCF events 2010
- eBIZ Bruxelles, 20/10/2009
- Biella, 24/6/09
- Denkendorf, 16/10/03
- Paris, 25/6/03
- Milano, 11/4/03
- Treviso, 19/2/03
- Biella, 30/11/02
- Avantex, 15/5/02
- Milano, 19/9/01 (slides, Italian)
- Moda-ML events in short (2003-07)
+ Newsletter and focus group
- Getting Newsletter and focus group
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.1
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.2
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.3
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.4
- eBIZ 4.0 newsletter n.5
- eBIZ newsletter n.6
- eBIZ newsletter n.7
- Press review
+ Tutorials and slides
- From Moda-ML to eBIZ-TCF
- eBIZ 4.0 architecture and vision
- eBIZ a common language (slides)
- eBIZ architecture (slides)
+ Courses
- mini-COURSE adoption
- Linkedin group eBIZ-TCF
Photo Gallery
File name
2012 evento fashion 004.jpg
2012 evento fashion 005.jpg
2012 evento fashion 006.jpg
2012 evento fashion 007.jpg
2012 evento fashion 008.jpg
2012 evento fashion 009.jpg
2012 evento fashion 010.jpg
2012 evento fashion 011.jpg
2012 evento fashion 012.jpg
2012 evento fashion 013.jpg
2012 evento fashion 014.jpg
2012 evento fashion 015.jpg
2012 evento fashion 016.jpg
2012 evento fashion 017.jpg
2012 evento fashion 018.jpg
2012 evento fashion 019.jpg
2012 evento fashion 020.jpg
2012 evento fashion 021.jpg
2012 evento fashion 022.jpg
2012 evento fashion 023.jpg
Click on the header of the columns to re-order the table
20 file found