Technical details
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a) Preparation of the operating scenario for order booking and unlocking
In TEXOrder and ACS order, it can be specified if they have been intended for booking, using the attribute “Order Type” (TOtype).
In the NT11 code table, there is a new code “P”, which stay for “Booking”.
b) Managing of order unlocking datate
A date type that can be used as unlocking date (that is the last date in which the booking is valid) has been added in the following messages: TEXOrder and ACSOrder.
In order to use the unlocking date, in the Complex Types Toheader and Txheader, the element validityEnd has been added with repetitiveness 0-1
c) Managing of the project code
In the messages TEXOrder and ACSOrder, a project code can be indicated.
At this aim the element project has been created. It is a Simple Type string, with max length of 25 characters. It is used for assigning pieces/accessories to a specific Client project
In order to use this code: in the complex types texComInfo and acsComInfo the element project has been added with repetitiveness 0-1
NOTE: Points b) an c) are valid for Orders, but also for Order Responses
d) Selvedge code managing
In the data group used to specify the fabric pr>oduct code (texCode) and accessory product code (texCode), it is possible to specify a selvedge code, using the attribute added
In the T44 code table, there is a new code “SE” = Selvedge code
e) Phone and Fax numbers managing
Attributes for fax number and phone number have been added to the person type.
This, in Moda-ML schemas, means that the person type now has three attributes:
- person 0-1
- @email [Optional]
- @phone [Optional]
- @fax [Optional]
f) “Qualified” Note element managing
Functionalities of the Note element have been strengthened, adding the capabilities of making it processable by computers, through the use of attributes “noteLabel” and “codeList”.
The first enable the qualification of the topic of the note through a proper code, the second enable the acces to the table which contains codes used by the previous.
- The attribute type “note qualifier” (string, Simple Type, maxLength = 35) has been created. Its instance is
- The element type “free text note”, whose instance s /, has be transformed in “general note” (Complex Type Simple Content) and the following attributed has been associated to it:
- @ label (optional)
- @ codelist (optional)
- @ numberingOrg (optional)
Its description become: free text or structured (computer processing) note. For note structuring use the attributes "noteLabel" and "codelist"
In detail:
- “noteLabel” is the qualificatore that specifies the topic of the note
- “codeList” is the URL of the list of codes used in noteLabel