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eBIZ Newsletter n.7: DPP, extensions to eBIZ and TRICK project
20/12/2024   ONLINE
"eBIZ Newsletter n.7" has been published: news on the conclusion and results of the TRICK project, some news on the Digital Product Passport and on the standardization activity which also involves an extension of the eBIZ specifications used in TRICK.
In particular, a short text illustrates some of the characteristics of an eBIZ extension proposal developed in TRICK to better adapt to the themes of traceability, transparency and sustainability addressed by the project.
Furthermore, the methods for participating in the CEN CWA launched by TRICK thanks to ENEA, UPC and UNI are reported.
If you have not received it, you can read it at the link below and register to the eBIZ community to receive updates

A presentation of eBIZ benefits for the fashion supply chains explained by entrepreneurs and technician of the firms already adopting it: IN.CO, Cariaggi, Piacenza, Loro Piana, Albini and others.

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